4/3 星期二
文章来源: jgey2007-04-03 07:03:53
周日,睡到下午。Dave打电话来,问我要不要去坐roller coaster,“roller coaster...ROLLER COASTER??? YEAH!”我已经好多年没玩过roller coaster。我们在後乐园游乐场见面,排队等着坐roller coaster,感觉好像中学生的约会一样,竟然在游乐场。不过,总比迪斯尼乐园强,我很讨厌迪斯尼乐园。排了近半个小时,终于到我们,roller coaster很刺激,从building的上方穿过,我一直尖叫,很开心。然后我们又去秋叶原的电器街闲逛,一路走到上野公园,虽然是周日夜晚,公园里还是热闹非凡,又是看樱花的季节,上野公园是出名的景点。在公园里兜了好大一圈,走累了,于是决定去唱卡拉OK。没想到Dave是个很不错的singer,他唱的[Summer of 69],非常有味道,he rocks! 最后在车站分手,各自回家。

很愉快的一次约会,如果可以把其当成约会的话。但是,我打算疏远Dave from now on, cos I know he still has feeling for his ex-wife, I have to hold back, and make sure that I wouldnt fall for him. I like him, and its very much fun to hang out with him, but this is a bad timing to start anything. So before it getting hurt, just let it go, I have to.



希望工作可以早一点定下来,这样我就会开始很忙,没有时间见Dave,我对他的感觉就会慢慢消逝。That is what I always do, before it starts getting hurt, run away. So far my life is all about to have fun, yes, I did have a lot fun, but at the same time, I lost  a lot things too. Now I am thinking if those fun is really worth of my loss, maybe I should be more serious about everything in my life, trying to learn to be more responsible. And maybe this can really help me to solve my commitment problem, it sounds like a self-help therapy. Well, tomorrow is always another day, I am a super optimist, have the faith always with me on that, something better is coming.