4/17 Tuesday
文章来源: jgey2007-04-17 08:36:46
I hate raining days, especially when I have to be walking around outside, looking for some stupid building without a map, my poor Manolo shoes!

Last Thursday, had a bad interview, one interviewer, short american guy, was quite mean, I could still feel his attitude even when I walked out of the office building. I dont like him at all, and it turned out that he doesnt like me much either, they told my recruiter very next day that they wouldnt proceed with me further. Fair enough, I dont wanna work with some mean dwarf for any possibility, and plus, their office just sucks.

Friday, interviewed with a japanese securities company, surprisingly, it was fun, interviewers were very friendly and interesting, and it seems they liked me too. I just got a phone call from my recruiter this Monday, they want me to go to the 2nd interview.

For the interview with GS on Monday, my recruiter who is responsible for this case sent me an email, to tell me what I should say and what I should not. I know he is a very nice guy, and trying to help, but his email just works in a weird way to make me feel extremely nervous. To solve this problem, I went shopping with Yi on Sat. For the excuse of preparing for an important interview, I bought a new shirt, which cost me more than 20,000, OUCH! Yi said I looked fabulous when I tried it on, well yeah, I could tell her that the price was quite fabulous too. Yi leaving to Beijing this week for a short term vacation, I gonna get stuck here for the whole golden week, alone. Anyway, after shopping, as we usually do, dinner and girls talk, nothing new, either her or me.

Monday was bizarre. I planned well, to get up at 9am, then before I left home, I would have about 1 hour to go through GS's website. Actually I did get up at 9am, when I tried to take a shower, there was no water, SHIT! I was freaked out, and rushed to my door mailbox, there, the fucking green paper, it said some pipe maintenance on Monday from 9am to 5pm, and I didnt notice it at all! I got screwed, I could not go to such an important interview with just-wake-up face, plus I even got a new shirt for this! After considered all possibilities, I went down to the supermarket, and got 6 bottles of 2L water, which were so heavy to be carried back. With all this water, I brushed teeth, washed face and hair, in sink, feeling like I was living in Africa, LOL. I remember the last time I had my hair washed in sink, I was about 5 years old, and screaming for my mom got shampoo into my eyes, cant believe I did this again. Its tough work, trust me, felt all blood came to my head, which made me dizzy.

After all the drama, finally I made my way to the GS reception, dressed well and looked fresh. The interview was... well, I dont know, guess I was quite nervous, and the 2 interviewers are the geek type of guys, which means they dont smile back, and I can hardly tell anything from their facial expressions, cos they have some totally different logical systems that I dont have. So I was kinda disappointed, I did expect a lot for this position, after all, GS is a big name. Btw, I dont like their japanese website that much, honestly, they donated some money to children charity, and bragged a lot on their website about this. I mean, come on, the company makes millions, billions dollars per month, the money they donated isnt a big deal for them at all, and they post this thing everywhere to show off???
Dave said I had been too sarcastic, and seen only the bad part of things. Just because I called GS hypocrite, and described that 2 interviewers in an odd way, I said they looked like some wizards walking out from Harry Potter movies, and one of them talking like a cat, LOL! "I am nothng, if not critical" by Shakespeare.

Maybe Dave is right, I have been complaining too much recently, and havent tried enough to cherish the good part of everything, maybe this is how the pressure of job hunting works on me without my own consciousness. Well, I will be careful with my attitude from now on, but you know, sometimes, just cant help, I know I am not a very nice person, actually a little mean, just sometimes...

God, this is a long piece. Today, another interview, 2 interviewers, one japanese, one korean, its a very odd interview, I mean it. Usually interviewers would ask some technical questions, most about logic, about how the candidate solving a problem, no particular programming languages or commands are necessary. But today, the korean guy asked some unbelievably "unique" question, --"what is the definition of HTTP?" I was like WHAT??? I know what HTTP is, a sort of protocol, but the definition??? Do I look like a fucking encyclopedia??? Then the next question, "what does URL mean?" err...means U R Loser??? LOL! His questions made me feel like I was retarded, then the chance for revenge was coming. The korean guy wanted to test my english, asked me to give a talk with random topics. I told them a joke with metaphor, about some crazy one giving a show, with idiots watching, they seemed quite happy with my joke though, LOL.

Later afternoon, got a few phone calls from my recruiter, he said GS wanna see me again, I was surprised. And he said one interviewer of GS complained that, I shouldnt interrupt before he finished the entire question, oops, did I??? I cant remember, guess I have got used to non-stop talking unconsciously after going through so many interviews recently. And what surprised me more is, after only 2 hours, the result of the encyclopedia interview has come out, they want me to go for the 2nd round, LOL.

Now I am tired, acting occasionally is fun, but acting everyday, its quite exhausting. I try to keep smiling too much everyday, somehow I feel my facial muscles hurt.