4/28 friday
文章来源: jgey2006-04-27 10:32:49

its 1:12am, I am drunk, after countless glasses of champegne and ram&coke, I am so drunk now.

This was another fascinating night in tokyo, I love tokyo so much!!! Went to dinner with Yi, in a cool thai restaurant, food was great. Afer that, joined Marc and his friends for drinks in Heartland. It was great! Marc's friends are so desperate for girls, damn it, they trying so hard to please Yi, hahaha... really funny, Yi quite enjoying it. I was being with Marc, and Jeff, old Jeff, who always quite serious and entertaining, and another guy, I forgot his name, good looking one, from canada, who declared he is 5'11, and nobody believed that, cos they thought he was taller than that. Jeff is 6 feet, I told them I thought 5'10-6 would be perfect for me, and opinions from guys, 5'4 would be perfect for them to kiss a girl, fortunately, I am 5'4, with high heels, maybe 5'6. This topic was quite entertaining, the next one was Goldman SUCKS, abt the reputation of that famous rich bank, which was really bad, everybody making fun of it. Anyway, I had great fun, except Marc was trying to kiss me for many times, which I couldnt take easy. Oh year, there was a french guy, who dancing with the bottle of champegne, I heard he was getting married soon, WOW...

Yi disappeared, I was quite pissed with that, and blamed Marc that where the fuck his friend took my friend, Marc said, "easy, your friend is old enough", right, she is an adult, just hope she wouldnt sleep with Marc's friend, that gonna be another disaster. Marc was trying to convince me to go home with him, I said No, cos I got a busy week, and tomorrow had to work, still lots of packing waiting for me home. Then Marc was being such a gentleman to walk me to the station, when we said good-bye to each other, all of a sudden, he said,"Jess, I really, really, like you a lot..." I was going to say "yeah yeah yeah...blah blah blah..." But when I look into his eyes, there was something special, something serious, something I couldnt just bullshit with... instead, I said, "Dont get yourself drunk, go home earlier, and sleep tight, be a good boy." Kissed on his cheek, then i left. On the platform, got a phone call from Yi, she was going home, alone, thank god, I had been so worried.

The cab driver was so nice, that he was telling me all weather forecast for the next week, anyway, I wouldnt be here, china or california, whatever, nowhere could be as fun as tokyo...

hope tomorrow would be a sunny day! I am going to sleep...