Shortcut to Happiness /Jennifer Love Hewitt, Anthony Hopkins, Al
文章来源: TJKCB2024-07-03 23:59:20
Movie name: Shortcut to Happiness (2004) Jennifer Love Hewitt, Anthony Hopkins, Alec Baldwin (Jennifer Love Hewitt as a villain)
What a movie. Reminding us of the reality of life and what we actually want!!!! Indeed, there is never a shortcut to happiness!!!
Dude, a customer is a customer. Whether they're rough looking or silky dressed, as long as they're respectful they're worth to have in the store.
When I was getting married, the tie I needed to match my wife's dress accents, had been sold out at men's warehouse, the employee has just bought the last one earlier that day. I was told by staff to come back later that day and they would see what they could do. Well apparently the guy brought it back into the store and left it for me. I never got his name, but that guy made me so freaking happy. I'll never forget his kindness.
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One time I went to a suit shop to look for a grey tie. I didn’t realize it was a high end store and when the sales person brought out a tray of grey ties I looked at the price tags, and I said, I’m sorry, but I can’t afford any of these ties (they were cashmere, $150 ties). The sales person looked at me and said, “you can have this one, it’s from the last season anyway”. I said “no it’s okay, are you sure?” He turned to me and said: “I’m just glad to see a young guy like you who wants to wear a tie”. Later that day I went back to the store to bring him a coffee and a cake from a local bakery. I still have that tie, and it’s one of my favorites. It is the reason I later got a grey suit, to match my free, $150 cashmere tie.
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Alec is such a gifted actor he almost made me believe that he’s kind
"keep the change" was a true power move, it tells the manager that this isnt about the money
I walked into a jewellery store about a decade ago, to look at watches. Couldn't afford the one I was interested in, but the salesperson didn't know that. She still took the time to tell me about the brand, the features etc. I thanked her and left. Now just a couple of years ago I went back to the same jeweller and bought a watch. Not the same I'd seen ten years earlier, but still a nice watch that I couldn't have afforded back then. I related to the manager why I had returned to this store to make my eventual purchase. He was moved, and asked me to repeat the story to his other employees, which I happily did. It was my way of saying thank you to them for their kindness, years earlier.
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I was in sales for 10 years. Type of sales where the customers come to the store. I learned to never assume that a customer could or couldn't afford something. Out of 13 sales people I was consistently in the top 3.
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The older gentleman was so excited about his reunion too, it's heartbreaking the way that people treat others when they perceive them poorly!! There needs to be more kindness in the world.
When I worked at McDonald’s at age 16, I didn’t have the heart to tell kids they didn’t have the 10-25 cents for ice cream/food…so a lot of the time I would just pay for it. Seeing them smile really keeps me going even now in my late 20s. Edit: y’all I’m talking about when kids are 10-25 cents SHORT of buying what they want bc they don’t understand sales tax or just don’t have enough period
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Doing something small to make someone's day is always worth it.
Please don't shut down other's excitement. We need love more than ever on this planet. Be a ray of sunshine instead of a thundercloud to everyone!
I hate when people at my job judge those who look worse. Everyone is a human regardless and I’ll treat them as such.
During an interview I asked a kid who the most important person in the store was and without missing a beat he looked at me and said every single person that walks through the front door because they pay our wage.. I hired that kid and he became one of the best managers I had ever trained
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Worked at a Jeep dealership years ago. We had a winter storm one afternoon and overnight. Snow, sleet, ice everywhere. Just nasty weather. I went in early the next morning. Half the salespeople didn't even show up. About 10:30 a guy comes walking up the street wearing some ratty, old hunting gear. He walks in the showroom and looks at a new Wrangler. I figured he just wanted to warm up, and that's OK. Twenty minutes later, he's writing a check for the most loaded out Wrangler on the lot. Apparently, his regular car couldn't get out of the drive. It actually slid into his sons car. He needed to get to work. He had a surgery scheduled to preform that afternoon. The Jeep did great in the snow and ice. He showed up a few days later. This time, I sold him a shiny new Dodge Ram for his son's graduation. NEVER judge a book by its cover.
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Baldwin being kind, wow, that is some extraordinary acting!
My honor as a good man and a man of God is worth much more than any job
Mr. Stone isn’t missing out being fired from that job. he deserves so much more than a job with a boss who doesn’t care about providing people with excellent service.
He did not lose his job because of his kindness... He purchased his humanity and love for a fellow human. The job was just the anchor that was holding him back.
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You can really see Alex’s acting skills here. He comes off as a decent human being!
hes such a nice guy. he wouldnt hurt any one intentionally....
I'm a retail store manager. Sometimes the worst dressed customers are the wealthiest, they just don't need to play the part. Wow this blew up fast. Thanks for the likes.
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Imagine losing an employee, a customer and having to pay a severance package, all for 20 bucks.
Be kind to the elderly people it doesn’t matter if there family or not help them don’t be mean help them
It's nice to be important! But it's much more important to be nice!
I've worked retail most of my adult life, and being able to be the person that put a smile on someones face or helps them out in a tough situation is an absolute blessing. Its free to be kind and show love to the world ? ive jumped in dumpsters to retrieve dentures and helped calm a man with a horrid anxiety attack. The best feeling in the world is knowing you did you best to help someone.
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In real life Alec Baldwin is actually the kind of person that fired him.
Its kinda sad that theres actually people like this
Employee kindness goes a long way to making customers happy. At the last solar eclipse, some T-Mobile store were giving away sunglasses to see it. When I went to my local one at the Florida Mall, they were all out. But one of the employees told me to hold on, he went to the back, and gave me his pair. My daughter and I were able to watch the eclipse side by side because of that kind man. He made me a repeat customer at that store. I went back for the T-Mobile WiFi and we got our Apple Watches there. Always be kind to your customers.
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I worked at a high end retail store and they really do profile customers like this. They know whether or not they'll help you before you even walk in. Absolutely miserable people to be around and that job turned me into such an angry person so I had to get the fuck out of there.
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I loved my dad more then anything on earth but I remember going to a restaurant or really anything and people would comments that he dressed like a bum or probably couldn't afford what he was looking/ eating, my dad although not super rich was work several million and could buy anything he wanted just couldn't care less about what others thought of him and I try to live like that every day now!!
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That man was so happy at first and then so sad idk why but stuff like that makes me longtime sad
The man almost made me cry . He looked so happy and the owner of the shop just destroyed him. Thank goodness there was this employee
Shorty realized the kindness, no matter what even if you don’t receive an award back, be kind to make people happy and because it’s the right thing to do.
I am currently working as a skiman in a resort on the french alps. There's nothing more painfull than to see sadness and embarrassment in parent's eyes when their children asks for something they can't afford. Ski is expensive and sometimes just a simple beanie or even socks are the little thing that is too much for their wallet. After 10 years in the same shop I have my boss trust, I don't steal, I don't offer, i just put it on my bill. You won't believe the amount of things I owe to the shop, but my boss never asked me to pay. He knows I still have my old beanie on my head while some kids have the ones they wanted. Suddenly the pain in the eyes of the parents turn into pure love, I sleep well after work, I am a happy man.
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Regardless if u r a store owner or customer,human nature is something we remember the most
I wish he were that kind in REAL life
I’m friends with a Real estate agent and he was telling me one day a man came to view a 2.5 million pound house, this was back on the early 2000s, and he said the man arrived in a transit van, overalls covered in paint and he wrote the man off as someone who just liked to view nice houses that had no intention of buying. When he got back to the office his boss pulled him in to the office and absolutely hammered him for being rude to the guy. He told his boss that the man was a waste of time, his boss told him it was Phil Collins. My mate told me he was dressed like a bum but has never judged anyone since
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Time to sue for wrongful Termination
That old man can be an Angel looking for someone good to bless
I also like that Mr.Stone helped the old man
I work as a Manager at a convenience store. I'm forever helping people here and there if they come up a little short or they're in a bind and need a hand. I can't tell you how many gallons of gas I've bought for people just trying to get home. Treat others the way you hope someone would treat you if you were in their position and you'll find yourself in the right place at the right time every time.
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Old people deserve all the happiness...They have suffered and seen many miseries of life
Sales is about helping people find what best suits their needs. Sometimes it means recommending a different brand, sometimes it means recommending a different store. Sometimes it even means giving them a discount. But if you're not helping people, you're not a salesman. When I worked in sales, I had numerous people come in on the recommendations of people I didn't even remember helping. And some of them, I remembered helping, but they didn't buy anything from me.
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Kindnesses is hard to come by now and the world need every bit of it.
We need more decent and loving people in this world who will just show love to people for no reason other than being kind. Respect
We seriously need to stop saying we need people like these YOU CAN LITTERALLY BE TAHT PERSON ALL YOU GOTA DO IS DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
Dude chose customer service over his job, that's a real man
He legitimately acts in real life like he does this. Lost all love for that guy after his handling of his movie shooting.
Alec Baldwin did a good job playing this part. It's a perfect example of how good an actor he is, because he's a scumbag in real life
They lost customers in the ling run. I was going into Nike store for my first big money purchase and the attendants ignored me and assist this one rich couple. Imagine 3 attendants all assisting the same couple when there are other customers in there. When I’m done browsing and would like to see if they have my size, I call one attendants for assistance and I can see their friendly face disappeared. I asked for others sizes, they say it’s display only. So I ask them which ones are not display only and she’s called on by her manager to help the couple again. I just dropped the shoes on the floor and walk out. Ended up getting 2 nice pairs of shoes from Payless and I’ve never purchased anything from Nike since, even when I’m able to.
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I was taught a very good lesson years ago when I was so much younger. I was returning to school as an adult. There was another student I befriended. She had a son who was employed at Toms. Some may recall Toms was a snack company chips, cookies, etc. Knowing that I had kids she would bring a box or bag of Tom products. During class one night she brought a box full of snacks. I remembered telling her thanks but she didn't have to always bring anything. She advised me that when someone tries to do something kind to another person its important not to take away their joy. I almost took away her joy.
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Dang only seeing that old customer happy just made my day
Being a human with a strong spine and a clean face is much more important than any job or money
He’s such a good actor. I doubt he’d do that IRL.
Shows what an amazing talent Baldwin is that he can portray empathy.
We need more people like that in this world
Help each other, this is why we live.
Alec Baldwin behaving with kindness and compassion. Now THAT'S some amazing acting.
How I wish the world was this nice. Sometimes people fool you when you are too kind.. Learned it the hard way
I worked in a store in the UK called Currys similar to Walmart. One day a really scruffy looking guy came in nobody wanted to serve him so I did and it turned out because it was the end of the tax year he needed to spend £50,000 to remain in the tax bracket he wanted. He was a business owner who had been doing some DIY at home.
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Ive done random acts of kindness before, and if they fuss to repay me I justvtell them: "If you feel that strongly do me this favor, if you see someone else that deserves to be helped and you can, help them, then ask them to do the same. Thatvway there's always one good deed in the world left to be done."
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Being kind should be how we get ahead.
We need more people in the world like that unfortunately there are very few these days everyone only looks out for themselves
I know, it’s only a movie. But this scene brought me to tears! Kindness is what we need and what we should give.
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You can't get rich like this but your gonna be better than 99% of people
Doesn’t cost a fucking thing to be kind man. Treat people the way you’d want to be treated and give them experiences, or even little moments, that they’ll remember forever.
Alec baldwin was hell of an actor. He made all believe he is a smart, kind, reasonable person.
A act of kindness goes a long way If only more people had empathy