Nature 發揮分裂種族主義的153 年曆史
文章来源: TJKCB2022-10-24 14:06:08

Wow! Nature has played its part in creating this divisive legacy for 153-year history

Nature 發揮分裂種族主義的153 年曆史


Volume 610 Issue 7932, 20 October 2022


Racism casts a huge shadow on science. People of colour and from other historically marginalized groups have been excluded from the scientific enterprise, research has been used to underpin discriminatory thinking, and research outputs have ignored and further disadvantaged marginalized people. Nature has played its part in creating this divisive legacy. In this special issue – the first in the journal’s 153-year history to be overseen by guest editors — Melissa Nobles, Chad Womack, Ambroise Wonkam and Elizabeth Wathuti present articles that examine some of the ways racism has manifested in science, and the direct and detrimental effects this toxic ideology has had on individuals and their communities. By highlighting these issues, 

Cover image: Diana Ejaita

Racism in science