眼生查字典,耳生問拼寫, Specific to English 76% of Americans
文章来源: TJKCB2021-02-03 13:43:36

How to be specific in English? Put one foot in front of the other.  眼生查字典,耳生問拼寫 -  Specific to English learning, a habit that cultivates you fitting in the Western world of living. Here are two examples: 

-- Part 1 眼生查字典, reading news lines caught up my eyes on "recidivism" - a word that I've never noticed. Here is my follow-up study notes:

Daily Pilot

Opinion: Apodaca: UC Irvine law professor sees college degrees as a way to reduce recidivism

Daily Pilot - Feb. 1, 2021 (Opinion)

Keramet Reiter has always had a passion for social justice …. An associate professor at UC Irvine’s School of Law since 2012, Reiter is now spearheading an important effort to expand educational opportunities for the state’s prison population. … Her efforts culminated in an announcement late last year that UCI would partner with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to design an in-prison Bachelor of Arts program. Dubbed Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees, or LIFTED 


  1. the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend.
    "the prison has succeeded in reducing recidivism"

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