DJT go from instinct, not worry about the holes
文章来源: TJKCB2020-01-17 08:42:36

pov: "In 2017, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, left, and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, right, had grown alarmed by gaping holes in President Trump’s knowledge of history. (Jabin Botsford/The Post)" (2017年,左翼的国务卿雷克斯·蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)和右翼的国防部长吉姆·马蒂斯(Jim Mattis)对特朗普总统对历史的认识上的空白感到震惊。 (贾宾·博茨福德/邮报))

My conviction was Those holes got DJT in a perspective different from others. So, DJT can look at problems from different angles, branching out fresh approaches to old problems.

When in power, you gotta decide "go from instinct, not worry about the holes."


In 2017, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, left, and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, right, had grown alarmed by gaping holes in President Trump’s knowledge of history. (Jabin Botsford/The Post)
In 2017, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, left, and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, right, had grown alarmed by gaping holes in President Trump’s knowledge of history. (Jabin Botsford/The Post)
Book Excerpt

‘You’re a bunch of dopes and babies’: Inside Trump’s stunning tirade against generals

The new book “A Very Stable Genius” documents how President Trump lashed out at attempts by military leaders and diplomats to teach him about U.S. alliances and obligations around the globe.