Trump咸豬手 'Grab ’em by the pussy” pussy ?!
文章来源: TJKCB2016-10-07 14:56:58

In a conversation with Billy Bush captured as part of a taped interview for Access Hollywood, Trump said something suggesting he’s entitled to women’s bodies. “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women - I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet,” he said in the audio published by NBC. “I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything… Grab ’em by the pussy.”pussy?????????????????????????????

(((The word pussy refers to cats, weakness or cowardice, or female genitalia, in addition to other meanings.))))--Joy Engel @joyengel 3 hours ago Let's be super clear. This isn't "lewd conversation." The Republican nominee is describing sexual assault.""""

While it’s been noted that Trump’s a lifelong misogynist, his poor treatment of women has been the one constant value of his over time. He’s called women “slobs,” “dogs” and “fat pigs,” and dismissed Megyn Kelly as a “bimbo” with “blood coming out of her … wherever.” Last week he practically had a meltdown when his bad behavior following a former Miss Universe’s weight gain was pointed out.

(((The word pussy refers to cats, weakness or cowardice, or female genitalia, in addition to other meanings.))))