文章来源: TJKCB2016-10-05 20:37:32


if you haven't got it, you gonna practice more until you got that feel. Timing, positioning, and rhythm - all three elements fall together - Bingo! Why?

If you can power up your li·bi·do, you find the fountain of life - the energy of the sexual drive as a component of the life instinct. That's the elixir of eternal life - preserve for your life.

  1. a magical or medicinal potion.
    "an elixir guaranteed to induce love"
    synonyms: potion, concoction, brew, philter, decoction, mixture; More
    • a preparation that was supposedly able to change metals into gold, sought by alchemists.
    • a preparation supposedly able to prolong life indefinitely.
      noun: elixir of life; plural noun: elixirs of life

Published on Sep 1, 2014

Yoga by the Sea
My Book: If you liked Eat Pray Love or The Alchemist you'll love my memoir "From Hollywood to God". Click to read:

Yoga is a great way to stretch your body and enhance it's natural method of detoxification. Your muscles respond to stimuli by creating electrical impulses. This is called excitability. Stretching a muscle stimulates receptors called muscle spindles.These neurological messengers alert your spinal cord that the muscle is being extended. If you stretch with a jerky, ballistic movement, the spinal cord responds with a reflex message, which tells the muscle to contract. This action, called the stretch reflex, protects your muscles from over stretching and tearing. Yoga is the practice of slow movements— which stimulates our lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a major player in our inner ecology and plays a significant role in the body's innate ability to detox and cleanse itself.

Yoga helps to detox your body by:
*Improving your circulation
*Regulating your digestion
*Stimulating your lymphatic system

Remember to drink a large glass of water before and after stretching to eliminate toxins released.


So can yoga really give you an orgasm? - Telegraph

www.telegraph.co.uk › Women › Sex
Jun 19, 2015 - As women report reaching 'yogasm' during yoga classes, Maxine Frith discovers how to achieve the higher state of bliss. ... But it is possible to experience orgasm on the yoga mat. ... Beverley Drumm, a 50-year-old former business analyst in north London, has experienced the yogasm ...

Yogasms On the Rise: Instructors Say Yoga-Related Orgasms Are Real

Sep 27, 2011 - Yoga devotees are talking openly about the orgasmic pleasure they experience during practice. By Lizzie Crocker.


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瑜伽的一个目的就是增强生殖器内和生殖器周的肌肉。会阴收束法(mula bandha)就是其方法一种。这非常类似凯格尔训练,只是瑜伽增加了特别的呼吸技巧。无论男女,练习会阴收束法的瑜伽修炼者都相当于在做生殖器举重。我们已经知道,凯格尔训练能够显著提高性高潮的感受和能力。同时特别是某些流派,整个骨盆区都是瑜伽修炼的对象。