文章来源: 海智子2013-01-18 22:00:00



Common Characteristics Of Dangerous Women

 Was she abused as a child? (小的时候有没有受到虐待?)
 Has she filed domestic violence charges or taken out restraining orders for abuse in the past against any of her previous partners?(以前有没有打过911对前夫?)
Does she hit you or throw things?(有没有打人,扔东西?)
 A common danger sign is that you can no longer do anything right.(男人做啥事都是错的)
Deliberate self injury.(女人伤害自己)
A mother who never had a serious relationship with her child(ren)'s father.(对丈夫关系冷淡)
Problems with her mother.(与她母亲的关系不好)
 Sexually transmitted diseases (STD).(有传染性性病)
 Women who have had a hysterectomy.(子宫切除,生育方面的错折)
 A woman who was happily married for ten, fifteen, twenty years, and then divorced along about her mid-forties. (长久婚姻,但是到了四十岁左右了)

 I'm perfect, there's nothing wrong with me and histrionic personality disorder.(个人价值观错乱)
Criminal history(有历史)
False accusations of rape.(诬告强奸)
 She is not a citizen.(新移民的女人)


Page Link: http://www.dvmen.org/dv-127.htm#danger