爱情是毒药 1
文章来源: 湘女潇潇2012-04-14 00:53:57
LOVE and DEATH are two uninvited guests

Nobody knows when they come ..

But both do the same work ..

One takes away the HEART

and the other takes away its BEATS. 









我一直等到半夜,上厕所都把手机拽在手里。他却悄然没有音信!我怏怏地发了一个e-mail给他:“我等到花儿也谢了! I wouldn't ask why; I just hope you're fine!


“I love you.

Yesterday, a bright star was looking toward me...I know it was you.

I miss you and I will see you in just hours.

Please forgive me for not being able to see you yesterday.”

“Don't miss me unless you need a hug or a kiss to recharge yourself. Don't think of me; I will be always here like a star in the sky. No matter we see or not see each other, our love is always there.” 他还真拿我当一颗星了!他怎么可以这样?轻描淡写地说一句“请原谅我昨天没能去见你”就完事了?他怎么不为他不与我联系道歉呢?你人不能来,电话也不能来吱一声吗?害得我一夜无眠,担心他出什么事了!

我恨恨地回他一句“It must just be a meteor in your life, accidently entered. ”

第二天是Easter Monday。如果是其他恋人,恐怕会利用这一天的时间找机会见面,解释、亲密一番以尽释前嫌吧。一早,他e-mail我:

“I love you.

And no...not just a meteor.”

-- 没有道歉,没有解释,没有提出任何补救措施。我的心彻底凉了!--如果不是他的太太或他正在dating的其他女人在他的身边,他怎么会连个电话都不给我呢?


“I'm just curious: Who accompanied you to watch that bright falling star?

I agree that you cannot be in two places at once; however, I don't agree the way you keep people waiting. Text, e-mail, ... so many ways you could tell me not to wait for you. Don't tell me you're out in some ural areas as an amateur astronomer so that you did not have internet connections.”


You are upset. Please do not be.

I feel very sad because of it. I asked that you forgive me for not contacting you.

I thought that you meant what you said about me looking at a star and thinking about you. That is exactly what I did. Yes, I know it is silly perhaps. But I believe in it. ”

那封道歉邮件中他明明说的是“Please forgive me for not being able to see you yesterday”,什么时候变成为没能与我联系道歉了?这样的人我还能相信吗?
