文章来源: futureglory2012-09-03 14:32:23


在我工作的地方, 五个牙医助理都是漂亮的金发妹妹,再加上前台的几位,我们老板就被这一群女人包围着。



故事1。我们诊所的医生是个犹太人, 不到38岁的年龄已经没有任何头发了,还满脸皱纹。诊所有一个成规就是,这个月过生日的人要给下个过生日的人准备蛋糕。,轮到我们老板了,让人意想不到的是,他亲自作了个巧克力蛋糕,而且相当好吃,午间休息,女人们都在吃着蛋糕, 于是有了下面的对话。

Rose:”  MMM, this cake is so yummy, we really don’t need to worry about any hair in it.”

( laughing…….)

Lee:  ” oh yea,  as long as he has his shirt on.”

全场爆笑, 这时老板过来,不知道我们在笑什么。



老板冬天的时候常常把室温调得很低,的确不知道是为了省钱或者他怕热。有一天,我早去了,进门看到Erin, 禁不住顺口说道: “ It is chilly here.”  Erin said : “ Oh yea, I can not find my nipples.”  After a second, I realized that she meant her nipples were frozen off, all the girls were laughing again.


故事3I use paper clips to put the lab slip with the case together, after a while all the paper clips are run out.

Susan came in , I asked her: “ do you know where all the clips went?” Susan answered: “ Yes, I do, they all went to clip heaven.” Both of us smiled. Her answer was so cute. Then later, she showed me where the “heaven” was.