文章来源: ych20002011-04-22 09:50:05


现在引发争议的日本首相投书中这句原文的翻译和解读:“I take very seriously, and deeply regret, the nuclear accidents we have had at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Bringing the situation under control at the earliest possible date is my top priority. 







Yahoo!Finance:Japan's prime minister says sorry for nuke crisis

Japan's prime minister apologizes for nuclear crisis, as radioactivity in seawater rises

Canadian Business(华盛顿邮报的原文转载)

Japan's prime minister apologizes for nuclear crisis, as radioactivity in seawater rises




附:华盛顿邮报的原文(注:华盛顿邮报的最初原文链接的标题明确地说日本首相道歉了。但现在却换成了另一篇文章:“Operator of Japan’s stricken nuclear plant announces plan to resolve crisis in 6 to 9 months”,文中只提到东京电力会社表示道歉,太古怪了!什么时候华盛顿邮报偷偷地把文章掉包了?撤下去了?

Japan's prime minister apologizes for nuclear crisis, as radioactivity in seawater rises

TOKYO (AP) - Japan's prime minister, fighting criticism at home over his handling of the aftermath of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, says he deeply regrets the crisis at a radiation-leaking nuclear plant.

In a commentary seen in the weekend edition of the International Herald Tribune, Prime Minister Naoto Kan also pledged to investigate the cause of the nuclear crisis and to improve efforts to share information about the situation at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.

Kan said bringing the crisis under control was his "top priority."

The commentary also appeared in the New York Times and Washington Post.

Levels of radioactivity have risen sharply in seawater near the plant in northern Japan, signaling the possibility of new leaks at the facility.


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