文章来源: rolyboly2011-01-05 16:04:02

Type II is a metabolic (代谢) disorder resulting from the body’s inability to make or properly use of insulin.




Counting carbohydrates, fats, and fiber

-        Make fiber a part of almost every meal

-        Emphasize heart protective fats: canola oil or olive oil?

-        Keep saturated fat and cholesterol low. Plant foods do not contain cholesterol



-        There isn’t a list of foods you absolutely cannot eat. All foods, with smaller serving sizes, can be worked into a particular eating plan.

-        Soluble fiber seems to be a vital component of blood glucose control for many people. It is found in peas and beans, oats and oat bran, barley some fruits and vegi, e.g. apple, mango, plum, kiwi, pear, blackberry, strawberry, raspberry, peach, citrus fruits, celery root, artichoke, sweet potato, parsnip, turnip, acorn squash, potato with skin, Brussels sprout, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, asparagus, beets.