Christmas around the world 2018 -- France
文章来源: truetruegarfield2018-12-30 22:33:09

去年我们家办了个Christmas around the world. 女儿喜欢,今年又要办.

今年第一个国家选的是法国.12月6日,我们在这天St. Nicolas Day开始庆祝。 

St. Nicolas 是圣诞老人的原型。是公元250到270时候,土耳其米拉的一个主教,其人善好施,经常把硬币放入穷苦儿童和寡妇的鞋子里。死后被封为圣人,也是圣诞老人的雏形。为了纪念他,12月6日是St. Nicolas Day. 小孩子在12月5日晚上,把鞋子放在床前,并要放点稻草,或者胡萝卜,这是给圣尼库拉斯的驴,记住啊,最早是驴,不是会飞的麋鹿啊。更不是红鼻子的鲁道夫。是小毛驴。



A Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Myra

O good St. Nicholas,

you who are the joy of the children,

put in my heart the spirit of childhood,

which the gospel speaks, and teach me to seed happiness around me.

You, whose feast prepares us for Christmas,

open my faith to the mystery of God made man.

You good bishop and shepherd,

help me to find my place in the Church

and inspire the Church to be faithful to the Gospel.

O good Saint Nicholas, patron of children, sailors and the helpless,

watch over those who pray to Jesus, your Lord and theirs,

as well as over those who humble themselves before you.

Bring us all in reverence to the Holy Child of Bethlehem,

when true joy and peace are found. Amen.



还要有个芝士果盘,,饭后的甜点就是法国著名的Buche de Noel. 也就是yule log.这个蛋糕做成树桩的形状,背后还有个历史小故事,据说拿破仑的时候,冬季为了防止病菌传染,拿破仑就叫大家把烟囱关上,这个时候这个蛋糕发明了,代表了家庭聚会.还有说这个蛋糕最早是古塞尔特人的冬至传统.在这个最短白天的冬至日,塞尔特人用橡木,樱桃木,榆木或者榉木的任何一个大树桩,用来烧火,作为太阳重生的象征.后来慢慢演变成用树桩形状的蛋糕来庆祝招待客人了.树桩蛋糕主要是糖分,蘑菇还有莓子来装饰.但是我们就用了放了去年买的留下的圣诞老人和小鹿.