文章来源: hypathway2011-03-11 05:46:42

我须纠正前文的差错. 如果你算上老布什的北京联络办事处负责人,1974年以来美国驻华大使中不是两位而是五位拥有耶鲁学位.有趣的是,他们清一色拥有耶鲁最有价值的学士学位.老布什和罗德还是耶鲁的秘密社团骷髅会的成员。耶鲁对中美关系的影响恐怕没有其他美国大学可以相比。在同一时期,哈佛的记录是零。

I have to admit that I made a mistake in the previous article that actually Yale College has produced five instead of two US Ambassadors to China since 1974 if you counted George Bush Sr.as head of Liaison Office in Beijing. Interestingly, all of them (Bush Sr, Winston Lord, James Lilly, Sandy Randt and Gary Locke) got their most valuable bachelor degree from Yale. Bush Sr and Lord were also members of Yale's secret society Skull and Bones. Yale's influence on Sino-US relation is enormously that no single university in the United States could match.In the same period, record from Yale's counterpart in Cambridge(Harvard) was zero.