文章来源: arge2010-12-09 17:34:58

中国在诺和平奖颁发前夕, 加强对相关消息渠道的封杀。 英国广播公司BBC 和挪威电台网站被蒙蔽。(追加: Both CNN and BBC went black at 8 pm local time, exactly when the Oslo ceremony was taking place).

将演唱的歌曲《Solveig's song》是挪威文化瑰宝。挪威作曲家格里格(Edvard Grieg)1875年应剧作家易卜生(Henrik Ibsen)之邀,为剧作《皮尔金特》(Peer Gynt)创作了组曲。 《Solveig's song》是其中插曲,由易卜生填词。歌词节录如下:
The winter may pass and the spring disappear
The spring disappear
The summer too will vanish and then the year
And then the year
But this I know for certain: you'll come back again
You'll come back again
And even as I promised you'll find me waiting then
You'll find me waiting then
God help you when wand'ring your way all alone, your way all alone.
God grant to you his strength as you'll kneel at his throne, as you'll kneel at his throne.

另外,今天的New York Times 刊登了一首刘的诗作,可惜找不到中文版的。

Words a Cell Can’t Hold

By LIU XIAOBO Published: December 8, 2010

from “Experiencing Death”

I had imagined being there beneath sunlight
with the procession of martyrs
using just the one thin bone
to uphold a true conviction
And yet, the heavenly void
will not plate the sacrificed in gold
A pack of wolves well-fed full of corpses
celebrate in the warm noon air
aflood with joy

Faraway place
I’ve exiled my life to
this place without sun
to flee the era of Christ’s birth
I cannot face the blinding vision on the cross
From a wisp of smoke to a little heap of ash
I’ve drained the drink of the martyrs, sense spring’s
about to break into the brocade-brilliance of myriad flowers

Deep in the night, empty road
I’m biking home
I stop at a cigarette stand
A car follows me, crashes over my bicycle
some enormous brutes seize me
I’m handcuffed eyes covered mouth gagged
thrown into a prison van heading nowhere

A blink, a trembling instant passes
to a flash of awareness: I’m still alive
On Central Television News
my name’s changed to “arrested black hand”
though those nameless white bones of the dead
still stand in the forgetting
I lift up high up the self-invented lie
tell everyone how I’ve experienced death
so that “black hand” becomes a hero’s medal of honor

Even if I know
death’s a mysterious unknown
being alive, there’s no way to experience death
and once dead
cannot experience death again
yet I’m still
hovering within death
a hovering in drowning
Countless nights behind iron-barred windows
and the graves beneath starlight
have exposed my nightmares

Besides a lie
I own nothing

Liu Xiaobo, a poet and literary critic, is the recipient of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. China has forbidden him to travel to the award ceremony, which will be held on Friday in Oslo. This poem was translated by Jeffrey Yang from the Chinese.



台湾联合报报道说, 颁发孔子和平奖的组织对外称自己是:文化部中国乡土传统艺术传统文保护部。这个组织负责人在记者会上宣称,获得首届“孔子和平奖”的是台湾国民党名誉主席连战。其他候选人包括北京认定的11世班禅喇嘛、美国微软公司董事长比尔·盖茨、南非前总统曼德拉、中国诗人谯达摩、巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯、美国前总统卡特以及中国杂交水稻育种专家袁隆平。星期四下午(12月9日),“孔子和平奖”颁奖仪式在北京新闻大厦酒店举行,同时还举行了新闻发布会。获奖人连战没有出席颁奖仪式。该委员会把10万元人民币的奖金,象征性地发给一个北京六岁小女孩。




在冷战年代 , 当时的苏联领导人对国内和东欧的异议人士采取密切控制。1975 年,苏联物理学家安德烈萨哈罗夫因被苏联禁止离境领奖,只能由其夫人代表接受诺奖。


后记(Dec 10): 俺的斯德哥尔摩综合症复发。好奇心终于上来了, 还没找到转播实况,已经有人大发感慨:



刘哓波终于红遍全球了,这都是中国政府一手包办的结果。外交部发言人的代言听了让人心疼, 这养家糊口的代价岂不太大了。竟然开始有点怀念可爱的江爷爷。 六四是国人心中永远的痛,知道刘是从那时开始,但真正想了解这个人却从他获诺奖开始。顺藤摸瓜,才知他臭名昭著的08宪章,他的最后的陈述“我没有敌人”, 他的11年牢狱。。。刘能走到今天,抛弃了自由和一切,实属不易。有良知,坚持,担当,这就是凡人和伟人的区别。

为什么人家美国赞成的我们就一定要恶狠狠地反对,人家反对的难道我们就要衷心拥护? 坏人也食米饭,难道我们中华民族就不能吃大米了? 刘不一定要得奖, 神马都是浮云(刚学来的)。 “他没有做错任何事情”,但得奖不是他的错,也不是中国人的过。 虎毒尚不食子。一个大家庭,出了一个不听话的逆子,经过多年的磨练,已经快走出危险期,日趋成熟。而堂堂大家庭的一家之长,公正何在? 气量何在,威严何在?家国尚存,自由全无。何时才会迎来我们开明大度的家长?!

选自刘晓波的 “我没有敌人” 中的一段:
