文章来源: 旖旎风光2010-10-27 18:47:32

去中文学校的路上,话题不知怎么转到了Bill Gates donation的事上。我先生边开车边说, “嗨,对他来说, 不过就九牛一毛嘛 !”我突然灵机一动, 考考这俩闺女。俩闺女每周六去上中文学校, 每年放暑假还回中国,中文水平怎么也得有个小学四五年级水平吧! “呵,你俩说说,九牛一毛是啥意思啊?”小女儿耸了耸肩, give up了。大女儿眼睛瞪得大大的, 思考着。我心想,“哎,还是老大好, 这小的就是不努力。” “呃。。。”大女儿看着我试探地说,“bought nine cows for 10 cents?” --- 我晕! 


下课铃响了, 小女儿蹦蹦跳跳地出来了, Mommy we learned a new lesson today. It’s about 上海是东方之珠。 You know what? I finally got to know what you and your friends were singing at karaoke.  I was always wondering why you were so interested in singing about an Eastern Spider,” 看到我没懂她的意思,“You know, that song, 东方之珠?  ---  彻底晕倒!