当妈妈- 世界上最幸福的事!
文章来源: callmered2012-05-09 15:07:56


Mother’s day Poem –  by an elementary school boy 上小学的儿子写给我的母亲节礼物

My mom is very beautiful, (还好,在他还没有女朋友前,老妈还受看)

She has a great big smile. (一见儿子就高兴)

I like her beautiful hair,

I also like her style. (也就是简单而已)

My mom cooks very well, (儿子喜欢就行)

Her cooking inspires me. (???)

When I taste her noodles, ( 看,一碗面条就能打发!)

I am filled with so much glee.

When my mom is staying home,

She does not like to Clean. ------- ( 我要求他整理他自己房间,洗自己衣服。不心软! )

Even though she is old

She wishes she were fourteen. (实际上希望稍微年轻一点, 也没有要当青少年!)

My mom is an engineer,

She really likes her job. (还好,有钱赚就还不错啦)

Sometime when she leaves,

I even start to sob. (从来没见他落眼泪,小小的年纪还会藏眼泪 ! )

I love my mom a lot,

Her love surrounds me.

I think she’s very smart,

She probably got a high degree. (也就一个硕士而已,不高)