一人的旅程-菲菲在洲,The alone journey-Faye in Europe
文章来源: 菲小姐2010-08-28 21:44:38

stacykay 拍的 Journey。

五月二十九日 星期六 天?




29 May 2010   Saturday     a cloudy day

Finally safe to leave the host family, and compared to the past few families, this is the best one, but it gives me a lot of trouble, I think should not appear in court to give evidence?

Finally cried at the left, they thought I was strong not to cry, because I give them the impression is very independent, but I really very easy to cry, perhaps crying emotional from that day can not stop, thinking of something’s, the eyes with tears, I do not know when these feelings may be turned off, in facing of parting again, felt great frustration.

20 days journey in Eastern Europe, and then in Northern Europe and Britain for 21 days, I will share with diaries, photographs collated later to share, my journey as follows: -

Oxford牛津 ~ London ~ 地利Vienna ~ Salzburg斯堡 ~ Innsbruck恩斯布鲁克 ~ Hallstatt哈施塔特 ~ Schladming ~ Graz格拉茨 ~  

匈牙利Hungary Gyor ~ Budapest布佩斯 ~ Esztergom艾斯特根 ~ Szentendre森檀德 ~

斯洛伐克Slovakia Bratislava伯拉第斯拉瓦 ~ 

捷克Cesky Krumlov古姆洛夫 ~ Ceske Budejovice布采 ~ Plzen皮森 ~ Karlovy Vary卡法利泉 ~ Prague布拉格 ~ 

London敦 ~

挪威Norway Bergen卑根 ~ Sony fjord索尼 ~ Flam科林 ~ Voss沃斯 ~ oslo ~

瑞典Stockholm斯德哥摩 ~

~ Helsinki赫辛基 ~ Rovaniemi凡尼米 ~ inari ~ Turku ~ Tallinn塔林 ~
Cambridge ~ York ~ Manchester曼斯特 ~ Edinburgh丁堡 ~ Hong Kong香港。

London敦 ~ Liverpool利物浦 ~ Black Pool布克浦(黑池) ~



Recently, busy for arrangement of the 41 days journey, so ignore everyone, and please forgive me. On the journey, I will take care myself, take care of property, please rest assured.