后院茂密的花墙 - 大花茉莉 (摩洛哥茉莉,白色茉莉,或诗人茉莉) (多图)
文章来源: JoshuaChow2016-03-09 20:36:34



一般来讲,茉莉花分为大花茉莉和小花茉莉两类,大花茉莉包括摩洛哥茉莉(Jaminum officinale)印度茉莉(Jasminum grandiflorum),但如果从植物学上来讲大花茉莉应该单指Jasminum officinale var. grandiflorum药用茉莉大花变种(也称印度茉莉)。








原来中文名字叫多花素馨。多花素馨(学名:Jasminum polyanthum)是木犀科素馨属的植物,是中国的特有植物。分布在中国大陆的云南、贵州、四川等地,生长于海拔1,400米至3,000米的地区,一般生于灌丛、山谷及疏林,目前尚未由人工引种栽培。别名:素兴花, 鸡爪花、狗牙花(云南)。多谢彩烟游士!

Jasminum polyanthum, also known as Pink Jasmine (or White Jasmine), is an evergreen twining climber native to China and Burma (Myanmar). It produces an abundance of reddish-pink flower buds in late winter and early spring, followed by fragrant five-petalled star-like white flowers which are about 2 cm in diameter. It has compound leaves with 5 to 7 leaflets which are dark green on the upper surface and a lighter green on the lower surface. The terminal leaflet is noticeably larger than the other leaflets. The plant is very vigorous and can grow up to 6 metres in height when supported. Depending on the climate, this vine has a semi-deciduous to evergreen foliage.

Jasminum polyanthum is well known as a house plant in the USA and Europe. It can also grow in the garden, when climate conditions are good. USDA hardiness zones: 8 - 11. It grows fast and easily, and flowers nicely. Outside it can be used to cover walls and fences etc. It can grow in sun and light shade as well. It is propagated by seed and by suckers. Jasminum polyanthum was given the Award of Garden Merit (AGM) by the RHS in 1993. It was chosen on the Bicentenary list of 200 plants for the RHS: “This popular houseplant is an easily-grown, evergreen, half-hardy climber with loose panicles in summer of many strongly-fragrant pink-backed, white, trumpet-shaped flowers. It does not suffer pest or disease problems and is simple to propagate.