准备Emergency Bag
文章来源: 阳光宝宝2005-07-05 23:49:36
上周五去接大宝宝时,老师告诉我要准备Emergency bag,说是为了in case of emergency时,比如是地震时,给孩子吃的东西。我照着一个家长准备的Bag抄了一份: 3 Granola bars 3 Fruit roll-ups 3 100% juice in a box 3 cans of fruit, veg or meat (such as Libby's vienna sausage made with Chicken, Turkey, and beef) 1 picture of your child with family 1 story book 1 Coloring book 1 box of crayons 1 handheld can opener Hand wipes Character Brand Aids (optional) 每个物品上都贴了一个家里,爸爸,和妈妈的电话。这个家长好细心啊。