文章来源: PerfectionistNo.12016-05-11 09:17:31

According to Wikipedia, " The Eurovision Song Contest 2016 is the 61st edition of the Eurovision Song Contest. It consists of two semi-finals on 10 and 12 May and the final on 14 May 2016. Forty-two countries participate in the contest. And twenty-six countries will again compete in the final."



在这里我贴一贴第一场半决赛之后已经晋级决赛的十三首歌曲。Enjoy !

【J'ai Cherche - Amir (France) 】

【Say Yay! - Barei (Spain) 】

【If I Were Sorry - Frans (Sweden) 】

【Miracle - Samra (Azerbaijan) 】

【You Are The Only One - Sergey Lazarev (Russia) 】

【Slow Down - Douwe Bob (The Netherland) 】

【Pioneer - Freddie (Hungary) 】

【Lighthouse - Nina Kraljic (Croatia) 】

【Zoe - Loin D'ici (Austria) 】

【LoveWave - Iveta Mukuchyan (Armenia) 】

【Alter Ego - Minus One (Cyprus) 】

【I Stand - Gabriela Guncikova ( Czech Republic) 】

【Walk On Water - Ira Losco (Malta) 】