文章来源: redspiderlily2010-05-09 15:38:29
A good rule of thumb is:If you are down, more around. Feeling great? Meditate!Meditation tends to exaggerate your mood. If you are depressed or anxious, meditation may concentrate these feelings and make them worse so try to choose a time of day when you are feeling positive or upbeat. Getting started:Short, regular sessions are more effective than long, infrequent sittings. Begin with brief meditation segments - five minutes maximum - for the first two weeks. You are then increase the length of each session to ten minutes for the next fortnight, and to fifteen or twenty minutes a day thereafter. You may prefer meditate in silence but not everyone responds well to this and some people like to play music or natural sound cassettes such as dolphins, waves or rain. With practice, you will ignore the noises and outside interruptions while you are meditation. Turn off the phone and mobile and let the people you live with know in advance when you are not to be disturbed. Wear comfortable clothing(baggy trousers and a sweatshirt, for example) and remove shoes.Adjust the heating, open or close the windows in case feeling cold or hot distract you. Strong light should be avoidable. Spending a few minutes before each session creating the right environment. Once you have settled down to meditate the last thing you will want to do is keep getting up to remove ticking clocks or to close windows.Finding our best Position;The drawback to meditating flat on your back if that you might fall asleep. You may prefer sitting on a hard chair with your back supported, feet together and our hands resting lightly on your lap. or, sit cross-legged on the floor, resting your hands on your lap or on your knees, keeping your body upright and your arms relaxed. However you sit, imagine that the top of your head is suspended from the ceiling by a piano wire and you will automatically assume an upright posture. Breathing Meditation: