文章来源: 瑟瑟小玲2011-07-05 21:39:48
一輪明月(弘一大師李叔同)不分段完整版 弘一法師是中國近代上的一位傳奇人物,他的才華橫溢,在繪畫、音樂、書法和文學上的成就都是令人讚嘆的,他多彩多姿的人生,以致终於皈依三寶,成就一代高僧。 他的生平及修行的事蹟,雪泥鴻紅爪地映現在這部電影上,盼您能抽出点時间,觀賞這部動人心靈的電影。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czAKrOZR5aE A Bright Moon English subtitle Master Hong Yi is a legend of modern Chinese history. His talent in painting, music, calligraphy and literary achievements are impressive, and his colorful life, which finally converted him to be a monk with great achievement. His life and practice of the deeds, like footprint left by goose in the snow (traces of past events) reflected in the film. Hope your taking some time to watch this moving spiritual movie.