文章来源: wancafe2010-03-02 21:38:51

2. 最好的朋友是那一种,能够让你坐在秋千上,不发一言,然後静静地一起离开,感觉就是从未有过最好的对话。

3. 这是真实的~你永远不知道你得到了什麽,直到你失去的时候。

4. 要遇上一个人,只要用一分钟的时间;

5. 为自己的梦想而去想,到自己想到的地方,做自己想做的事。

6. 尝试把自己放在对方的立场,当你感觉受到伤害时,很有可能他也是被伤害。

7. 最快乐的人并没有需要拥有世上所有最好的事,而只需要令到大部份的事能沿著自己的人生而来。

8. 人生中一件伤心的事,是当你遇见一个对你充满意义的人,但你却在最後才发现。

9. 一句不小心说的说话,会令一场骂战展开,一句残酷的句子,会摧毁你一生;


I truly believe in this as I see it everyday. How many flowers end up at the cemetery and how many flowers did the dead person enjoy while they were alive? Here's an e-flower from me! Enjoy your day!
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here, than a whole truck load when I'm gone .

These Are For You !!!

Just Forward  these to all your friends, including ... back to me.

And don't tell me that  you're too busy for this.

Don't you know the phrase ...

'Stop and Smell the Flowers'???

Let's just see how many 'Bouquets'   you end up with !!!

Happiness keeps you Sweet,

Trials keep you Strong,

Sorrows keep you Human,

Failures keep you Humble,

Success keeps you Glowing,

But ..... Only Friends ....

Keep You Going !!!

See how many you get today !!!

Thank you my friend for being a part of my life,
whether you are a reason, a season or a lifetime.