Tongue Twist: The Throng of Thermometers
文章来源: EnLearner2011-05-31 20:27:36
I'm going to read the following paragraph once straight through, so you can hear that no matter how fast I read it, all the THs are still there. It is a distinctive sound, but, when you repeat it, don't put too much effort into it. Listen to my reading.

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The throng of thermometers from the Thuringian Thermometer Folks arrived on Thursday. There were a thousand thirty-three thick thermometers, though, instead of a thousand thirty-six thin thermometers, which was three thermometers fewer than the thousand thirty-six we were expecting, not to mention that they were thick ones rather than thin ones. We thoroughly thought that we had ordered a thousand thirty-six, not a thousand thirty-three, thermometers, and asked the Thuringian Thermometer Folks to reship the thermometers; thin, not thick. They apologized for sending only a thousand thirty-three thermometers rather than a thousand thirtysix and promised to replace the thick thermometers with thin thermometers.

[th = voiced (17) th = unvoiced (44)]

Source: 来源: 北京二号2011-04-08 19:37:40