Help: computer specialist needed!!
文章来源: 汉代蜜瓜2009-01-27 09:11:24
GOD! I got a big surprise as my Chinese New Year gift!!!!

Last Saturday, I went to a friend's home for party and slept over with my daughter at another friend's home. Before I left, I shut down my laptop. Just after one night when we come back, I found I couldn't start my laptop!!! The power key does not work and the battery light still shows that it has power!!!

I tried again and again and failed. My daughter's computer even can't read Chinese.My friend told  me that I could download Nanjixing to read Chinese. I tried NJstar Communicator 2.73 8618, it doesn't work!

I am getting nuts now. I have just got into my blog by memory(Thank for wenxuecity to put my blog at first page) and copy my ID to sign in to post this article.

Help please!

Please reply this post by English, so I can read it.

Danm stupid man! Why did he install my daughter's computer without Chinese lauguage setting! He is out of country now!!!!!