文章来源: 已婚郁闷2010-01-11 11:27:51
在让他帮我修改英文问题上,我们吵过无数次。最近一个比较重要 DEADLINE, 昨天吵架后他还是提出可帮我。我拒绝了。因为我不想他每次帮完我又抱怨,又说下不为例。

The reason why I rejected your help several times because every time
after you helped me, you complained, said negative things, or picked
on it later. These really upsets me and makes me think you actually do
not want to help me at all. You helped because you were told to do so or
you had no other choice. When I am not happy, you get affected too. If
you keep doing this, I will be reluctant to seek any help from you in
the future, which will distant us further.

If you promise you will not pick on helping me, or complain after you
help me, or say negative things after you help me (as I\'ve mentioned many
times), then I will accept your help. Otherwise I can manage it
with the help from my friends.