Sorry. for my English....... : ))
文章来源: houtou722014-03-14 15:12:24
XSJS 发表评论于 houtou72: 哪个英语老师教你的?读得我好累!


size0 发表评论于 嗯,猴头的英文是有问题。有的地方介词丢了,有的地方动词跟主语不搭,单复数没注意到,定冠词用得太多。。。

康西2012 发表评论于 To: houtou72    在哪儿学的英文啊..语无伦次. 老得猜猜你是什么意思.不会打中文就别发表评论了..省得别人讥笑你的表达能力.

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Guys and ladies, you are right: something had happened in my computer: some programs were deleted automatically, even for type in english also some problems.



Yes,  my english is not good, that's true. sometimes I must translate the pictures/views from  my brain into english. 





: ))