文章来源: qiaoshe2011-12-18 21:49:29
LG今天去维修,俺没事也跟着去了。在旁边帮他递递工具,做做指导。外行指导内行,LG心里不受用,把俺给打发了。这时房客6岁的儿子走过来说“Mr. F,Can I help you"
LG: "sure, junior."
小房客:“I'm not Junior, I'm Jordan."
LG:"Hi,Dr. J"
小房客:“I don't want to be a doctor,I want to be like you fixing things."
LG:"you can be a doctor and  fix people"
小房客:“I don't want to fix people, I want be like you."
LG:"OK then, can you bring me the tools to upstair?" "OK" 小房客答应着。俺看着一老一小,一前一后上楼去,觉得很是可爱。

临行前,老公把Jordan叫过来给他$10, 告诉他是Santa给他的,因为he is good boy. 小男孩高兴得手舞足蹈,一个劲得说“I'm very rich, i have $10". 并有求他妈妈带他去商店,去买他喜欢的M&&M。回家的路上,俺对LG说:”LG, you did a good thing to this boy. he will hard To forget this。”, 他说:他觉得这些小孩很可怜,从小生活在没有父亲家庭环境里,母亲又不工作靠社会救济生活。他只想让他知道:work is good thing because it will be rewarded.