The Handmaid’s Tale — 侍女的故事
文章来源: shparis2018-05-10 20:33:05

The Handmaid’s Tale 第二季开播了。非常特别的一部电视连续剧。不剧透。非常喜欢女主角 Elizabeth Moss (”Mad Men”里演Peggy Olson) 该剧是根据加拿大女作家 Margaret Artwood 的同名小说改编的。#5 是女作家与女主演的合影。曼哈顿很多汽车站都贴着广告画。Moss 的绿眼睛就像波斯猫的眼睛一样。


“When they slaughtered Congress, we didn’t wake up. When they blamed terrorists and suspended the Constitution, we did not wake up then either. They said it would be temporary. Nothing changes instantaneously. In a gradually heating bathtub you’d be boiled to death before you knew it.” — 警句啊!现实版正在进行时……