Still a problem
文章来源: cheesecakesampler2011-05-28 20:25:31
Erika is going to be 18 months old. Daddy loves her so much, however, accidents just kept happening when he is around. Just now, 10pm, 05/28/2011, Daddy let Erika stood on the countertop by herself, and walked out to fetch something....Guess what, just as those moments that we saw millions of times on movie--Erika moved herself back and fell off the counter....

It is hard to believe how irresponsible childcare this is. Daddy did the same thing this morning, and we were still talking about that just now.

I could help thinking about Liu Yan, the poor girl who fell off the stage right before 2008 Olympic opening. Before that moment, no one believe that she would spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair!