【杞人忧天倾 不知塌不塌 ~】 ---- 中国天大的事儿
文章来源: 弓尒2017-01-20 13:48:13





一个国家要发展,劳动制造生产花费消费 无疑是必须的。

人, 人们,人民 的生命生存健康是国之本,


Image result for 家庭饭桌

雾霾 有其自然和人为的因素



毒气 (空气,化工气,车辆,烟囱排放气等)

是个大事, 天大的事

可惜 现在 受重视的程度远远不够

似乎国君领导集团 尚未觉得 此乃第一大事


多数人, 瞎吃瞎喝瞎呼吸

不少人,感觉有不少 信不过, 不敢吃喝的食品和水液:

肉蛋奶米面粮水果蔬菜等等 每日无不可,须臾离不得的东西



管理不力, 差的很远

小民以为 此乃天大的事,头等大事!




不谓不大, 不为不大!


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《孟子•离娄上》: “孟子曰:

‘人有恒言,皆曰 “天下国家”。天下之本 在国,国之本在家,家之本在身。’”

小民 补充一句: 身之本在命,命之不存,身之焉附!

命 (生命,非命运)



美国人 的 FDA

创立于 110年前(1906-6-30)


意识到 吃喝药等实在是个大事


FDA 食品药物管理局


这大概是 美国政府唯一的一个独特的部门


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) is a 

federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of food safety,tobacco products, dietary supplementsprescription and over-the-counterpharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccinesbiopharmaceuticalsblood transfusionsmedical deviceselectromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED), cosmetics, animal foods & feed and veterinary products.


The FDA was empowered by the United States Congress to enforce theFederal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which serves as the primary focus for the Agency; the FDA also enforces other laws, notably Section 361 of thePublic Health Service Act and associated regulations, many of which are not directly related to food or drugs.

These include regulating lasers, cellular phones, condoms and control of disease on products ranging from certain household pets to sperm donation for assisted reproduction.


The FDA is led by the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, appointed by thePresident with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Commissioner reports to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Dr. Robert M. Califf, MD is the current commissioner, who took over in February 2016 for Dr.Stephen Ostroff, who had been acting since April 2015.[6]

The FDA has its headquarters in unincorporated White Oak, Maryland.

The agency also has 223 field offices and 13 laboratories located throughout the 50 states, the United States Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. 


In 2008, the FDA began to post employees to foreign countries,

including China, India, Costa Rica, Chile, Belgium, and the United Kingdom.



FDA Building 31 houses the Office of the Commissioner and the Office of Regulatory Department of Health and Human Services. The agency consists of fourteen Centers and Offices: