红帽子推荐的cheess cake
文章来源: 救生圈圈2005-08-08 17:39:40



Here is the blueberry cheesecake’s recipe you wanted
  Graham cracker crust
  11/2 to 2 cups of graham cracker crumbs (I use about 11/2 packages
  1/4 cup sugar
  1/4 cup of melted butter or margarine
  Mix all together and press into a butter pan.
  2 large packages of cream cheese (the 8 oz packages)
  3/4 cup sugar
  1 teaspoon vanilla
  2 eggs
  Let the cream cheese soften at room temperature for about an hour. Then cream the cream cheese with the sugar and vanilla. Add the eggs and beat until smooth.
  Pour into the prepared graham cracker crust and bake at 350 degrees for about 15 to 20 minutes. The baking is the trick. You want to have the filling set to the touch but not too firm. Ovens vary in baking so check after 15 minutes to be safe.
  After cheesecake cools, spread a can of blueberry pie filling over it and store in the refrigerator.

  1,GRAHANS CRAKER的牌子是:NABISCO (HONEY)口味的.买来后装厚塑料袋里封好用粗杆面杖敲打直到变成很碎的颗粒.1/4CUP BUTTER是最少的量,再少就不能使饼干粒连在一起了.铺饼干碎粒的时候要注意压平但不要压死,太紧了会硬,不压呢到取出来的时候又容易碎,也会影响口感.
  3,CREAM CHEESE :我用Philadelphia CREAM CHEESE.
  4,烤到15分钟后就要去查看,用手指头轻点表面,看它结成膜没有,只要手指头沾不上任何东西就可以拿出来了.因为拿出来后还会有余热继续加热.等彻底凉后再放BLUEBERRY ,封好后放冰箱至少四小时.其实烤到象嫩豆腐的感觉就对了,如果像中豆腐或老豆腐,等余热继续加热后就感觉就会又干又硬的,不好吃.所以情愿软一点,我喜欢CREAMY. 这个度的感觉要找准.
  5,烤盘我平时用8X12英尺的2QUART的长方形玻璃烤盘.这次想漂亮,就试了试用圆型金属烤盘,发现壁还是薄了,烤得不均匀,下次如果还想用这种烤盘的话得隔水或用MAGIC STRIP.得了这个教训这才发现这个配方就是要用玻璃烤盘的.而且玻璃烤盘方便储藏,只要盖上塑料盖放冰箱一周没问题.随吃随拿.