苏丝黄的世界 - The world of Suzie Wong
文章来源: 月出皎兮2015-11-14 11:16:59
无意中看到关于“The world of Suzie Wong” 这本书的介绍,似乎国内现在有了中译本。这是
英国作家李察·梅臣(Richard Mason)1957年出版的一本英文爱情小说,其后被好莱坞拍成电影,甚至被改编为舞台剧,芭蕾舞剧,一时帆船、长衫、东方善良的妓女成了西方人眼中的香港风情,而苏丝黄身穿旗袍,长发披肩的形象也成了西方人眼中最初的东方女子的经典。

图书馆借来这本五十年代的经典,the international best seller. 书确实写得不错,苏丝黄的中式英语简单朴实,让人产生一种简洁的美感。苏丝黄身在香港贫民区,没有文化,愚昧虚荣,但是她的美丽聪慧,她的真诚善良,她的强烈的自尊与自卑,都令人感动。作为妓女,她没有放弃对爱情与美好生活的向往,那份勇敢与执着,让人唏嘘赞叹。
"I love. I feel beautiful. I think,'my man.' You think, 'my girl.' We belong."
One glass of wine is better spilled. It was better to drink no wine at all, than to drink one glass with no possibility of replenishment; for the taste of the wine would only arouse a thirsty for more - a thirst that,left unquenched, would give more pain than the pleasure of the one glassful had been worth.
 - The world of Suzie Wong