用生命的一瞬间 留下永恒 —— Céline Dion 《Taking Chance 为爱冒险》
文章来源: Kisspest20092010-03-28 05:06:38

Céline Dion无疑是世界流行乐历史上最为成功的女歌手之一,她用无与伦比的歌喉和伟大的人格征服了流行乐坛。由她演绎的情歌,从真诚感人的《Beauty And The Beast》, 到永志不渝的《My Heart Will Go On》,情歌天后Céline Dion 以她高亢极富情感的澎湃嗓音,征服了无数追爱、寻爱、恋爱的男男女女。

这首Taking Chance 《为爱冒险》,叙述一颗曾被爱受过伤的心,却不怕危险地想再狠狠爱。从演唱风格上,抒情天后减少了从前她擅长的柔情万丈的缠绵情歌的分量,更多的歌曲展现出一种粗砾、不加修饰的直白以及女人自我情感的表达,展现出一个自信而勇于表达的女人内心这样一个主题 ——用生命的一瞬间去留下永恒!


Don't know much about your life. 你的生活 我感覺陌生

Don't know much about your world, but 你的世界 我不熟悉

Don't want to be alone tonight, 但今夜在這浩瀚地球

On this planet they call earth. 我不想孤單一人

You don't know about my past, and 我的過去 你不瞭解

I don't have a future figured out. 我的未來 難以預料

And maybe this is going too fast. 也許這一切發生太快

And maybe it's not meant to last, 也許感情註定無法長久

But what do you say to taking chances, 但你願不願意為愛冒險

What do you say to jumping off the edge? 你願不願意為愛拋開顧忌

Never knowing if there's solid ground below 不管有沒有堅若磐石的依靠

Or hand to hold, or hell to pay, 或牽引的雙手

What do you say, 付出的代價

What do you say? 你願不願意

I just want to start again, 我只想重新開始

And maybe you could show me how to try, 也許你能告訴我該怎麼做

And maybe you could take me in, 或許在你心深處某個角落

Somewhere underneath your skin? 還有可容納我之處

What do you say to taking chances, 但你願不願意為愛冒險

What do you say to jumping off the edge? 你願不願意為愛拋開顧忌

Never knowing if there's solid ground below 不管有沒有堅若磐石的依靠

Or hand to hold, or hell to pay, 或牽引的雙手

What do you say, 付出的代價

What do you say? 你願不願意

And I had my heart beaten down, 我曾經被愛徹底擊垮

But I always come back for more, yeah. 但我永遠不會退縮

Theres nothing like love to pull you up, 當你一蹶不振的時候

When youre laying down on the floor there. 只有愛才能鼓舞你前進

So talk to me, talk to me, 對我傾訴 向我請訴

Like lovers do. 像戀人般親密

Yeah walk with me, walk with me, 和我漫步 攜手共行

Like lovers do, 就像戀人般親密

Like lovers do. 像戀人般親密

What do you say to taking chances, 但你願不願意為愛冒險

What do you say to jumping off the edge? 你願不願意為愛拋開顧忌

Never knowing if there's solid ground below 不管有沒有堅若磐石的依靠

Or hand to hold, or hell to pay, 或牽引的雙手

What do you say, 付出的代價

What do you say? 你願不願意

Dont know much about your life 對你的生活 感覺陌生

And I dont know much about your world 對你的世界 並不熟悉