On having a positive start
文章来源: Tigerbalm2005-06-12 13:25:58

There is an old saying in Chinese that underscores the importance of havng a positive learning experience from childhood, that is: ren zi chu, xin beng shang; xin xiang jin, xi xiang yuan. In other words, as human beings, we develop our attitudes through interactions with others, and we more or less reap what we sow.

For a child, the learning process first starts with his parents. As the child can not choose his parents, he has little say over the initial attitudes he may possibly develop toward himself and others. When the child is old enough to attend school, his teachers will exact increasing influence over his personality formation. Again, the child does not generally have the option of selecting his teachers.

It is therefore important for parents and teachers to set up a positive learning process for a child. A child undergoes such a learning process will develop self respect and confidence, which will contribute to his becoming a best human being in future, and ensure his full integration and functioning in the society.

On the other hand, if a child develops a generally negative self-image, he may develop feelings of inadequacy and lack of confidence. Being a child, he is not well equipped to face failure that can have a most debilitating effect on him. Frequent failure can establish in him a pattern of lifelong anxiety and self-distruct that makes efforts at remediation difficult, if not impossible.