文章来源: 美丽风景2012-01-29 05:15:58
今天跟女儿去健身房, 一起上瑜迦课。 回来路上, 一起哼唱这凉爽的风。 这份分享令人心旷神怡, 回味无穷。

让我们荡起双桨 小船儿推开波浪 海面荡漾着美丽的白塔 四周环绕着绿树红墙 小船儿轻轻 飘荡在水中 迎面吹来了凉爽的风 (smile here)

红领巾迎着太阳 阳光洒在海面上 水中鱼儿望着我们 (oh, I see you. ) 俏俏的听我们愉快的歌唱 (how about sing silently? can you hear?) 小船儿轻轻 飘荡在水中 迎面吹来了凉爽的风 ( I do feel it. Not only the chilly comfort, but also the smell. :)) 做完了一天的功课 (Whole day? Poor guy. However, it's time to enjoy!) 我们来尽情欢乐 我问你亲爱的伙伴 (I remember your name. I do.) 谁给我们安排下 (don't tell me. let me think. it must be myself. got to be.) 幸福的生活 小船儿轻轻 飘荡在水中 迎面吹来了凉爽的风 (welcome. be my friend. :))