文章来源: 体道2010-09-17 14:19:07



有风险意识的人首先会评估这个问题,而不是忽略这个有关健康的争论。比如这个美国化学理事会所办的网址http://www.bisphenol-a.org/,声称这些塑料瓶和罐头盒不会损害健康,但另一个环境组织http://www.ewg.org/ 却声称它是有损健康的。对于我来说,这些信息为我提供了一个关注的焦点,从而使我比较关注食品包装与健康的关系。不论他们怎么说,虽然我不是科学家,但我肯定是有自己的观点,我自己的底线是,如果过量摄入这种化学物质,它有损我的健康。至于是否婴儿所使用的奶瓶和各种罐头盒也会损害健康,我会采取谨慎态度。同时我也知道很多厂家也在试图找到新的替代品,但是由于成本等因素,研究一定是在进行之中。



即使我想买罐装鱼食品,我也会评估这种食品的产地。比如,虽然我并不知道加拿大的鱼罐头是否会更健康,但是我会倾向于购买加拿大New Brunswick或者其他加拿大东部的罐装食品。中国的鱼罐头是否会更好呢?中国沿海的海水质量是否会更健康呢?显然这里有信任和风险的问题。我的选择虽然没有科学依据,这是一种盲信,但是每个人都会面临这样的选择。我甚至联系加拿大鱼罐头厂商,询问他们的产品中是否含有BPA(回复附后)。无论怎样,我会尽量或者拒绝罐装食品,特别是在使用完已经采购的食品后,我会自己烹制鱼类食品。





Dear Mr. Song:

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to respond to your concerns regarding our Brunswick Products.

Bisphenol A (BPA)plays an important role in acting as an additional safety barrier to insure the product is completely sealed. The safety of BPAhas been extensively tested by regulatory agencies, academic and scientific institutions, and industry scientists for more than four decades. These testshave demonstrated that the potential human exposure to BPA is extremely small and poses no known risk to human health.

While some
Brunswick packaging contains trace amounts of Bisphenol A, it continues to be recognized as safe by government bodies worldwide, including Health Canada, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.K. Food Standards Agency, the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Food, the Japanese Ministry for Health, Labour and Welfare and other regulatory agencies worldwide.

Canada recently announced its assessment of BPA which reassured consumers and retailers about the safety of BPA coatings used in canned products. Theirreport repudiated recent media reports questioning the safety of can coatings using BPA; Health Canada is sending a clear message that food and beverage products are safe for the general public to continue to consume as they’ve been doing for many years.

All of our products meet the current guidelines, however as food science and research continue to evolve,
Brunswicke ndeavours to adapt to the latest technology and research findings, ensuring our consumers continue to enjoy the safest products available.

If you would like more information on Bisphenol A, please visit http://www.bisphenol-a.org/

xxxxxxxxx - Start a Healthy Habit!

Thank you again for your interest in our products.