禽兽不如 半百美国男强暴7岁中国养女
文章来源: 陈晚2009-12-12 10:01:37


  51岁的男子惠森杭特(Eddy Tony Whisenhunt)10日对三项一级强暴儿童罪认罪,将在下个月面对超过18年有期徒刑的量刑。

  奥林匹亚人报(The Olympian)报导,惠森杭特的妻子唐娜玛莉(Donna Marie) 也面对强暴儿童的指控。


Wash. man pleads guilty to raping adoptee

(AP) – 21 hours ago

OLYMPIA, Wash. — A man has pleaded guilty in Washington state to raping his 7-year-old adopted daughter from China.

Police say the sexual abuse occurred over a four-year period.

Fifty-one-year-old Eddy Tony Whisenhunt faces more than 18 years in prison when he is sentenced next month in Thurston County Superior Court after pleading guilty Thursday to three counts of first-degree child rape.

The Olympian reports Whisenhunt's wife, Donna Marie, also faces child-rape charges.

Court papers say the abuse was discovered by a school counselor. The child was placed in the custody of Child Protective Services after the couple's arrest in May.