To royal flush: The truth is not in the book,
文章来源: FHZM2010-05-15 00:16:44
The truth is not in the book, but to be sought by the open soul.

All human history, Chinese or western, are written by winners.
That is fair and the rules of game. Truth need to be sought
and are not given. Out of same history book, Mao found
Chen Shen, Wu Guan heros, while lots of others found them villians.
So, is history a piece of shit? No, the mind seeking truth will read
beyond the words.

Some of your posts declare Chinese culture inferior and worthless
while other posts pride your maturity out of the same source.
I don't see any consistency in these contradictory claims.
Plus, I find the fundamental logic behind your claim of inferior Chinese
culture flawed. The major evidence of inferiority of Chinese culture comes from
current status of Chinese state. But history does not stop here
and is a continuous process. Talking of sampling, why do you think it is fair to just
sample from now ? What about Japanese culture, is that inferior too ? The link between Chinese and Japanese culture is well known.
The name of "Wang Yangming" should not be strange to your ears as you are fond of culture. He played a key role in
current Japanese culture. The game is still on, no one can say the game is over or predict the outcome of the future.

As to the China history between 1908-1945, I can not disagree with you more on the claim that this
is the greatest part of Chinese history. If there is any greatness in it, it is Mao and hundreds of millions of
normal Chinese people who, with their sufferings and sacrifice, rebuilt a new China.