又一个总理辞了职 再把国家丢给大坏银行
文章来源: 起时2011-11-13 18:20:16

昨天,意大利总理贝氏在全意大利人民的欢呼声中,辞职下台,把意大利这颗随时可引爆欧债危机的“不定时炸弹”丢给了Mario Monti, 一个于耶鲁大学毕业的经济学家。谁是 Mario Monti 呢? 以下这些是他的职业介绍 - 来自WIKIPEDIA:

Monti is a Praesidium member of Friends of Europe, a leading European think tank, was the first chairman of Bruegel, a European think tank founded in 2005, and he is European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, a think tank founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.[4] He is also a leading member of the Bilderberg Group.[5]

Monti is an international adviser to Goldman Sachs and The Coca-Cola Company.[6]

