文章来源: wadcChinese2010-11-02 10:51:03
结论: 中国是世界上最大的钢铁生产国, 在2009年占有世界生产量将近一半. 但出口仅占其
产出10%. 在世界经济普遍下滑, 他国钢铁产量下跌之际, 中国的钢产量不下反长,
年度10%以上. 如此大的产能, 在住房等其他需求下降的情况下如何消化?

附资料: In 2009, total world crude steel production was 1,219.7 million metric tonnes (mmt). The biggest steel producing country is currently China, which accounted for 46.6% of world steel production in 2009. In 2008 and 2009, output fell in the majority of steel producing countries as a result of the global recession.

This is a list of countries by steel production from 2007 to 2009, based on data provided by the World Steel Association, accessed in August 2010.

Crude steel production (million tonnes):

Rank Country/Region 2007 2008 2009
— World1,351.31326.5 1,219.7
1 People's Republic of China494.9500.5 567.8
European Union209.7198.0 139.1
2 Japan120.2 118.7 87.5
3 Russia72.468.5 59.9
4 United States98.1 91.4 58.1

Top steel exporter in 2006
 Rank Country Volume
1 China 51.7
2 Japan 34.6
3 European Union 32.4
4 Russia 31.5
5 Ukraine 30.6
6 Germany 29.2
7 Belgium 24.6
8 France 18.8
9 South Korea 18.0
10 Italy 17.1
11 Brazil 12.6

Top steel net exporter in 2006
Rank Country Volume

1 China 32.6
2 Japan 30.1
3 Ukraine 29.1
4 Russia 25.6
5 Brazil 10.7
6 Belgium 7.6
7 Germany 4.9
8 Slovakia 2.7
9 South Africa 2.6

有自己"过人"的聪明, 看看国庆60周年天安门可以摆56根钢铁擎天铸, 钢铁鸟巢建
了便废, 世博建了再拆, 高速铁路修了再换高铁, 总之如今中国又是"大炼钢铁"年代,

管中窥豹, 正是统计预测手段. 井底观天, 只要抓住问题的本质, 照样一针见血.

中国人口占世界人口五分之一, 生产50%的世界钢材, 消费40%的世界成钢, 你觉得正常吗! 中国的钢材消费, 主要是基建和房地产, 大量的资源和钱财用来建一堆已经多余的东西, 而其他行业因为缺少资金而被饿死, 老百姓没钱消费, 政府如此下去能支撑下去吗! 明眼人显而易见的问题, 我想中国的决策者比你这种山中人要清醒的多吧!