文章来源: 亚当撕蜜2010-04-19 07:42:26
ZZ is not surprised, at all, at the two extreme oppinions, 本来嘛,秦皇汉武还毁誉参半呢。当然喽,LR不是秦皇汉武,zz也不是, 毛主席也不是. LR只是个走猫步的毛豆, and in that regard, LR据说18岁就开始走秀,and she's 62 today and still walking strong(老人家自己说的), 已经走了40多年了(zz帮她算的, as she's mot mathematically sophiscated enough to perform these operations, nor was she adequately equiped physiologically with that many finders,lol)... 走了这么多年秀,形象应该说的过去,因为走猫步的智商可能都不高,sorry, 我是说肯定都不高,但是台下的观众都不傻,至少不都傻。lol...

还有,别见了个大胸就叫fake, supermodel里也有voluntuous的, 你看看人家Tara, Legend has is that she, i mean they are real, and they are spectacular.

但是我就纳了闷了,怎么那么低分辨率的一张照片(BTW, that's another proplem we had with LR, but that's a discussion for another day),就让人看出沧桑+褶子了呢? 我们批评(或者表扬)一个同志,要本着实事求是的态度。而且,萝卜青菜,各有所爱,十个手指头伸出来还有长度短,这不奇怪。不过据zz目测, LR的两条腿,在误差允许范围内,基本上还是一样长的,you know, supermodel嘛~

BTW,那张照片是zz不小心看到的,真的是不小心看到的,觉得还不错,就贴出来了,你要是觉得LR长得丑+沧桑,per se, zz没意见,不过你要是觉得zz的眼光有问题,zz就要伤心了,lol...

ZZ又要travel了, 可能几天来不了这儿了,同意zz观点的,晚上自己给自己加个菜,不同意zz观点的,就不要浪费粮食了, OK?lol...