天命 (Fate)
文章来源: 秋夜寒月2009-06-28 19:58:31


五十而知天命, 君子不与命争.

什么是命?  “命” 就是所有一切你不能控制, 不能通过努力去改变的东西.  命是在你出生之时已经确定的东西.  命决定了你一生不可逾越的界限.  命就是一个人的化身, 他的才气,力气, 勇气, 运气, ……

命与生而来, 追随你, 陪伴你, 支持你, 限制你.  不管你喜欢, 还是讨厌, 你必须和它绑在一起, 终其一生.

人的一生总是在 “认命” 和 “与命抗争” “不信命” 两个端点上跳跃.  “认命” 就得屈服于现实, 过一个平庸而安静的生活.  “不认命” 就要奋斗, 碰得头破血流之后, 不得不向命屈服, 回到认命这边来.  养精蓄锐, 一旦气力恢复, 便又不甘于认命, 又跳起来不信命, 与命争了.



By reaching 50, you should be able to understand what is “Fate”, A wise one has no more fighting with “Fate”.

What is “Fate”? “Fate” is the summary of all the uncontrollable things, all the predefined, cannot be changed by efforts.  “Fate” is determined at your birth.  It defines the boundary of your entire life.  “Fate” is a total image of you, it is composed by your talent, strength, courage, chance, and so on … …

 “Fate” came along with your birth, follow you, company you, support you, confine you.  Regardless you like or not, you are deadly bounded with it all your life.

Along our life, we all bounce between belief and rebel of “Fate”. Believe, you must submit yourself to the surroundings, have a dull but peaceful life; Don’t believe, you will put in all your effort to fight for better, after wounded, bleeding, you must surrender to “Fate”, back to the side of believe, rest and refurbish, as recovered, you will jump up, back to fighting with “Fate”, claim strength against it.   

Such as one issue after the other one, one year after the other year, as reaching 50, passed 50, finally be shaped round, finally got matured and gain wisdom, become stop fighting, understand the power of “Fate”. Afterwards, life has more peace, more pounder, more recall of memory, more wisdom.  Simply to say it is enjoying maturity, furthermore, is colorful sunset glow all over the horizon.