(1911--2009) 钱学森先生逝世 (新浪专题), 钱夫人 -- 蒋英女士, 多图及质疑
文章来源: 2009-10-31 10:57:23

新浪专题: 钱学森先生


钱学森灵堂今日起接受吊唁 http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2009-11-01/020218949281.shtml



钱学森夫人蒋英 (1947上海兰心大剧院独唱音乐会之前)





蒋英:音乐没有休止符 众多歌唱家共庆恩师90寿辰



Can we find a Way to forgive him as a sinful and coward Human being at a critical moment in history for speaking truth NOT?

It was at the beginning of 大跃进 -- 听取意见 to make 决策 decision 的时候. When Chairman Mao consulted him 'whether 亩产万斤 is possible', he actually answered 'Yes.'as a respectable and trustworthy scientist for both Chinese Leaders and Her People all over the entire country. His irresponsible corresponding might have directly caused (at least, encouraged) 大跃进的 Madness in 假,大,空,and thousands even by 10 thousands of Chinese People, especially farmers starved to death in consequent 三年饥荒。

他犯了 滥用abusing of 声誉, 欺君, 杀人 之罪吗?

这件事情上即使不会给他判个 '反革命罪', 也能给盖上个 '害国,反(杀)人民罪'吧? 

It has already made him 在公开场合(台面上)耀武扬威,在私底下(人民家里的桌面上)却为人不齿,即使没有再继续被怨恨着,象在更早(文革前后)的一些年里了, no matter how much work he might have done for people & for the country, since one can only be saved by God's Grace not by Work Itself -- means, we can only be saved by the quality of our heart, how pure, how true and how close to God and Godly Love, not the quantity out of the things that we have done.

Although works may be winning people's praise for the time being at the moment, as we know, those works for 'good' words that people say, may hardly even last one or two generations before having been completely forgotten after all.

By asking for forgiveness on behalf of those 被草菅了的人命,和几百万的冤魂,may his family and friends live in peace instead of under his shadow from now on and many lives to come.
