my daughters
文章来源: 2005-05-04 20:39:30
the most exciting moment of my life is when i knew that my wife's pregnency test was positive, confirmed by different strip tests bought from drug store. what a joy. one day at the beach, my older daughter, 2 or 3 years old, was crying watching her hands, nobody could understand what she was saying, finally we figured out she was saying “皱皱”。because she was playing with water for a while, her hands are "皱皱了"。that was a big problem for her. she can be hysterical at times, when she would cry or scream for good 20-30 minutes for nothing. one time when she was doing that again, we yelled at her to stop with serious face. she replied: i can't stop. we almost bursted into laugh. though she is learning piano, she admitted that she doesn't really like it. she feels like it is chores, and resents it when practicing, while our younger one plays around, free of any "duty". she likes tennis better, which she started to learn a couple of months ago, at 6 and half. hope she can learn and love the game as life long hobby. she is shy and seldomly initiates conversation or greeting with adults. the younger one is shy too, staying with us in an outside environment, like church, not playing with other kids. our younger one has good imagination. while driving in the rain,she was watching from inside and suddenly telling us the rain was dancing on the window. we were amazed. her launguage skills developed quite early, at around 2, she often uses words like "because, so,then..." and logic sentences. she has a sweet mouth, often saying things you like to hear.not like her sister. they like to help doing some work, like washing cars, cutting bushes, stringing tennis racquet and wrapping dumplings. the work is fun for them. though the real work is slowed by their participation.