有些以网管的名义,实际上的'黑客们',还是在以这种 '不拿枪的敌人依然存在'的冰凉威逼的口气说话和思维吗?
文章来源: 2010-02-04 17:22:57

2010-02-05 12:26:48 (Up Dated)



本悄悄话来自 论坛管理 于 2010-02-02 09:15:36

京剧 孟广/廣禄 【平原作战】 霹雳一声春雷响,【赵氏孤儿】,【赤桑镇】(包拯)你放在汽车论坛是什么目的呢?我们已经忍受你很久了这问题,如果你继续如此我们只好处理你的ID了,谢谢合作。

(Indeed, one of my ID was cancelled, which means i can no longer logon to it without being aware the true reason for such a treatment. 2010-02-11 20:33:01 )

回复: 能不能最后一次请你,以后这样的帖子不要放在不相关的论坛

本悄悄话发给 论坛管理 于 2010-02-02 09:15:36
simply because there, i thought, are having more men than women


(wonder why the two times are the same? i replied it right away, as he/she hit, perhaps.)

(I'm quick enough, but can not be finished inside a Second, can't I? or, perhaps, the time has been Set Up for a certain purpose? 02-05 10:07:06 )

(The way WXC 的 email system is Set-up 的吗? 2010-02-11 20:27:17 )

就算不要求文化/文学修养有多少水平, 正常思维, 应变, 人情交流, 和理解的能力总还是需要的吧?

这种管理水平, 习惯于 依靠 恐吓, 逼迫, 别说还想 enterring into China, 就是在美国 perhaps 都难以生存下去了吧? So desperate?

不问青红皂白, 首先便就只会仇恨, 打击相对, instead of Using 商量, 和缓的口气, 留有余地, 给人
选择的空间, showing one's thankful heart and great appreciation from deep inside first。

Knowing that we are here working for people, who are alive!

(How much you can be so sure about 相关, 还是不相关, especially deep inside of people's heart for that very special moment's need? Please learn to honor our artists/writers for their own precious intuition -- as a gift from above, not a threat to 您的power. Are they here on earth just for helping people like yourself to overcome, and to live in the way of more holy, than worldly?)

农民在田间休息的时候, 也得抽口烟, 听听话匣子吧?

工人也有做体操, 工间休息的时间; 在家里听着组合音响修车的时候, 就更多了吧?

Every moment is different than the other, and every moment is special in its own right and in its own special way! We can only learn to live and to treat it in the same fine tuned manner, and an appreciating heart.

Besides, what those 美妙的唱腔 were created for in the first place? If wasn't because they are too nice not to share with those brothers (您不会想说他们 or even yourself, 听不懂, 不配吧?), I perhaps would rather save my effort to do something else. Special 礼物 for special people in a special moment/occasion. Even much less occasionally, I can come across such a great gift, such a blessing!

If a man/woman can Only work as a marchine (having a Square方head we say him/her), following a 死方法program, why should we have to Pay Money for hiring such kind of person instead of using Programs Completely?

I guess, we perhaps, should learn to appreciate, to accept each other first or foremost, instead of always assuming others are trouble makers without much (or not capable of any) good intention, or having clear conscience, only because didn't fit into your own pre-programmed Little Square Thinking (In A Closed Safe 怕出错, or 畏恐出错的Box里面)

There will never be One Single Rule fits ALL -- Every Case, and/or for Every Person 100%

Take some fresh air, having a deep breath, embracing this very moment!

Here, it may come out your major break through in a blink of our eyes.

God's Blessing and Our Open, Loving Hearts Toward One Another Always!

(Main Article Finished at 9:30 PM on the same day)