文章来源: localyy2009-04-25 16:05:25

花粉过敏有效配方:Isotonix® OPC-3    3

                         Isotonix® ORAC     2

                         Isotonix® Vitamin C1


 Isotonix® OPC-3  介绍:

1. 什麼是OPC-3®?

OPC-3是一種天然膳食補充品,含有的活性成份是現今所稱的生物類黃酮。這些生物類黃酮的學名為oligomeric proanthocyanidins,簡稱OPC,也就是原花色素,萃取自葡萄籽、紅酒、山桑、柑橘類水果,還有取自松樹皮的碧蘿芷。這種原花色素的組合與Isotonix的等滲透傳輸系統,讓人體有效補充原花色素。IsotonixOPC-3對健康有許多好處。

2. 主要成分? 











3. 此產品為何與眾不同? 





4. 什麼是生物類黃酮?


5. 食用OPC-3®安全嗎?


6. 食用IsotonixOPC-3時,可以以汽水、果汁或咖啡等飲料來代替水嗎?


7. 如何食用OPC-3


8. 原花色素(OPCs)的歷史淵源為何?

1534年,法國探險家傑克.卡迪耶 (Jacques Cartier)在聖羅倫斯河率領遠征隊執行任務。由於天氣惡劣,卡迪耶和隊員必須靠著配給的鹹肉和餅乾維持生存。卡迪耶的隊員因為嚴重缺乏維生素C,所以開始出現壞血病症狀。許多隊員因此去世,隨後存活的隊員遇到一位友善的印第安原住民。他告知隊員使用松樹皮和松針煮茶飲用。他們如法炮製,結果卡迪耶和許多隊員因此恢復健康。

大約四百年後,法國波爾多大學的傑克.馬斯魁勒教授(Prof. Jacques Masquelier)拜讀卡迪耶所細載的遠征記。他歸結松樹皮不僅含有維生素C,而且也是效果類似維生素C的生物類黃酮極佳的來源。深入的研究更顯示松樹皮中含有多種原花色素聚合物。它們也存在於許多其他植物當中,其中包括葡萄籽、蔓越莓、花生皮、檸檬樹皮和柑橘皮。馬斯魁勒將松樹皮的活性成分取名為碧蘿芷® (Pycnogenol®),也就是今日科學界所講的原花色素(oligomeric proanthocyanidins complexes)或是OPC









維生素E事實上是一個家族,由名為生育醇(tocopherols)與生育三烯醇(tocotrienols)的相關複合物組成。維生素E分成天然和合成的兩種,其中天然的較易為人體吸收及保留。天然的維生素E稱為“d-alpha tocopherol”,即為愛尚它莓果配方中使用的成分。







Vitamin C

Key Ingredients: 

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)  500 mg. 

Around 90 percent of vitamin C in the typical diet comes from fresh fruits and vegetables. Peppers-sweet green, red, hot red and green chili peppers - are especially rich in vitamin C. Other good sources include citrus fruits and juices, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collards, mustard greens, broccoli, spinach and strawberries.  It is important to note that cooking destroys vitamin C activity.

Vitamin C, justifiably so, has become the world's most popular vitamin.  The reasoning behind this vitamin's grand reputation is at once multifaceted as well as amazing.  The bodily functions promoted by this vitamin create an extensive list.* 

Ascorbic acid is best known for its antioxidant properties. Ascorbic acid may be the most important water-soluble antioxidant in the body.*

The capacity of vitamin C to support the immune system seems to be common knowledge.  As a way to prevent and or reduce the symptoms associated with the common cold, over 100 studies have been conducted.  A number of small, targeted studies, in subjects under heavy acute physical stress, show that vitamin C cuts common cold occurrence in half. At least three controlled studies have shown an 80 percent reduction in the incidence of pneumonia among vitamin C users. In one large study (over 700 students), vitamin C (1000 mg per hour for the first six hours followed by 3000 mg per day), reduced cold and flu symptoms by 85 percent. In most cases, it appears that while the most important and dramatic preventive effects of vitamin C supplementation will be experienced by individuals with low vitamin C intakes, those with average intake from foods will also benefit from supplementation. In support of an elevated vitamin C intake, an expert scientific panel recently recommended increasing the current RDA for vitamin C from 60mg to at least 100-200mg per day.  Next, Vitamin C may promote normal pulmonary health.  Part of the protective action of vitamin C appears to be due to its antioxidant properties.   Finally, some studies suggest that vitamin C supplementation will help to maintain healthy vision.* 

Vitamin C helps support cardiovascular health in a few different ways.  It assists in promoting normal levels of cholesterol and normal blood pressure and promotes normal platelet activity.    It also promotes healthy triglyceride levels.  Vitamin C protects against LDL peroxidation by scavenging free radicals.  Vitamin C helps maintain endothelial cell function by promoting the synthesis of nitric oxide (also known as NO and EDRF for endothelium-derived relaxing factor).*

Vitamin C helps preserve intracellular reduced glutathione concentrations. This activity helps maintain nitric oxide levels and potentiates its vasoactive effects, helping to maintain the integrity of blood vessels.* 

Vitamin C promotes normal modulation of prostaglandin synthesis, which in turn promotes normal vasodilatory activity. It helps maintain nitric oxide levels and supports its ability to preserve the integrity of the blood vessels. There is an indication that vitamin C supports endothelial-dependent vasodilation.*

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy connective tissues including collagen, elastin, fibronectin, proteoglycans, bone matrix and elastin-associated fibrillin. Also, a lack of vitamin C can cause general fatigue.  Vitamin C also helps moderate healthy iron absorption, transport and storage. It promotes the normal intestinal absorption of iron.* 

Beta Carotene (Vitamin A)  800 IU

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is part of a family of compounds including retinol, retinal and beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is also known as pro-vitamin A because it can be converted into vitamin A.  The best sources of Vitamin A includes organ meats (such as liver and kidney) egg yolks, butter, carrot juice, squash, sweet potatoes, spinach, peaches, fortified dairy products (such as milk and some margarines) and cod liver oil. 

Vitamin A has exhibited anti-aging and antioxidant activities.  Vitamin A helps to maintain vision.  It promotes normal bone growth and also contributes to a healthy immune system.  Vitamin A supports normal epithelial differentiation, growth, reproduction, pattern formation during embryogenesis, bone development, hematopoiesis and brain development.  Children are particularly susceptible to the effects of vitamin A deficiency.* 

Potassium (Bicarbonate) 99 mg

Foods rich in potassium include fresh vegetables and fruits such as bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, avocado, raw spinach, cabbage and celery.

Potassium is an essential macro-mineral that helps to maintain fluid balance. It also plays a role in a wide variety of biochemical and physiological processes.  Among other things, it promotes the normal transmission of nerve impulses, the normal contraction of cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscle, the normal production of energy, the normal synthesis of nucleic acids, the maintenance of intracellular tonicity and the maintenance of normal blood pressure. Potassium promotes muscle relaxation, and supports normal insulin release.  It also promotes normal glycogen and protein synthesis.  Potassium is an electrolyte that promotes proper heartbeat, and it is important in supporting the normal release of energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates during metabolism.*

Potassium also promotes the normal regulation of water balance.  Potassium promotes the normal elimination of wastes and generally contributes to a sense of well being. Potassium is stored in the muscles.*
Some symptoms of potassium deficiency include poor circulation, earaches, inability to sleep, muscle weakness and water retention.

Sodium and potassium are two of the most important ions in helping the body maintain the homeostatic equilibrium of fluids.*


